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Community Christian School

Financial Information



Registration Fees must be turned in with the application.

Enrollment Fee for all students is $222.00 

Registration fees cover curriculum use fee, charges for maintaining records, and student accident insurance for each student.  A place is made for your child once the requirements are met and the registration fee paid.  Registration fees are non-refundable. 

(An additional fee may be required for registration payments made online.)


Waiting List

From time to time CCS must maintain a waiting list for certain classes. There is a $50.00 deposit required in order to be placed on the waiting list. The waiting list will be compiled and filled on a first come, first served basis.  Should a place not become available, this deposit will be refunded.


Entrance Test Fee:

New students will be charged a $60.00 testing fee.  The testing fee must be paid before the entrance test is given (by cash or check only).  Testing fees are non-refundable.  The fee covers administering nationally standardized achievement and ability tests.

Upon completion of screening/testing, the office will schedule an appointment with the parents to discuss results with the administrator.


Family tuition fee schedule:

Special rate applies to the THIRD child’s tuition (half of the tuition rate). ***THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO K4.*** If the children are divided between elementary and secondary grades, the older child will be considered child number one, the second oldest as child number two, and so on.


Payment of Tuition:

**billed in 10 or 12 monthly payments

Payments are due on the first day of each month.  After the tenth calendar day of the month there will be a $50.00 late charge on any unpaid balance.  C.C.S cannot accept post-dated checks to meet the payment deadlines.  There will be a $50.00 charge for returned checks.  Should payment not be received by the 10th of the month, the school will notify parents of the outstanding payment and late fee by phone or email.  If payment is not received by the last day of the same month, the student will not be permitted to attend classes until the account is made current.  Parents anticipating financial difficulties should immediately contact the school.  Accounts must be current before enrollment is accepted for the coming year.


Payment Schedule for Those Enrolling After School Begins:

If a student enters after school has begun, charges are calculated on a pro rata basis using the actual number of days scheduled on the school calendar as school days remaining in the month of enrollment.  Each remaining month will be in accordance with the tuition schedule.  Payments will be divided and due on the 1st of each month with the final payment due May 1st.  Similar arrangements are made for those enrolling after July 1st.  All applicable fees are due and cannot be adjusted.


Withdrawal Policy:

Due to the school's budget being based on students remaining the entire year (salaries, books, maintenance, etc.), the following policy, regarding financial responsibility, was adopted by the school board.  The policy applies to those students who enroll, but never actually attend, withdraw, are expelled, or for any other reason fail to continue in attendance for the school year:

  • Date of Withdrawal
  • Amount Due for Time Attended

Prior to 1st day of school through Aug. 31st: Registration and 1 payment
After Aug. 31st: Tuition will be calculated from the month following that in which a written withdrawal notice was received.


Teachers are hired based on a projected student load.  If you enroll your child but a situation develops which may prevent your child’s returning next school year, please keep the office up to date on the situation so hiring decisions can be based on the most accurate information.